Bringing peace into turmoil.
Olive Branch aims to bring hope and transformation to the Middle East through carefully designed programs and projects led by local beneficiaries and dedicated staff members.
food distribution
We provide locally sourced hampers filled with high quality food items to families.
shelter construction
We identity the most at risk families within the displaced camps and replace their canvas tents with cement structures.
community development
We engage in local ventures to address sustainable income supports for displaced and minority families in an effort to seek greater stability.
community CENTRES
Our centres offer a space of reprieve for women dealing with the prolonged effects of complex trauma and other community initiatives.
disaster response
When disasters befall the most vulnerable populations, we rush in to provide care.
Who we are
Olive Branch is a non profit organization that was started out of a heart to assist peoples across multiple ethnic and cultural backgrounds in Iraq + beyond. We strive to bring peace, hope and stability to an area that has a prolonged history of war and conflicts, offering long term solutions and relationships to communities who have limited resources.
Who we help
Olive Branch is currently active in northern Iraq. Despite diverse cultural and religious background, our beneficiaries often endure similar hardships resulted in deep-rooted trauma. This is compounded by a lack of access to change factors due to elements such as situational poverty, displacement, persecution and racism. Our centres, projects and programmes are designed specifically to build resiliency and equip individuals with hope for the future.
What we value
Compassion - we are motivated and seek to approach each situation with genuine compassion as we listen and engage with beneficiaries, supporters, partners and staff.
Partnership - We recognize the vision and mission of our organization is greater than a single actor can achieve. Therefore, we seek to work in conjunction with likeminded partners to serve the most vulnerable.
Transparency - As we serve in efficiency and effectiveness we recognize the need for transparency on all levels. This allows partners, staff and beneficiaries to hold us account to our commitments and our actions.
Excellence - In every aspect of our organization we strive for the highest degree of excellence, always endeavouring to learn, improve and grow.
Hope - In all circumstance, we commit to work alongside communities to heal and rebuild. We long to inspire and cultivate new possibilities shaped with joy, creativity and love.
Cultural Sensitivity - As we seek to bring hope in each circumstance, we recongize our staff, partners and beneficiaries come from and serve across multiple different cultural backgrounds. In this, we make every effort to honour these diverisities while remaining true to our vision, mission and values.
Listen to their stories.